Crazy House Hostel

Location pinCrazy House HostelTrščanska 1, 52100 Pula, Hrvatska


Terms and Conditions

I accept the General terms and conditions for cancellation!

Terms and Conditions

Inquiries and reservations are accepted through our web site (e-mail or contact form). For reservation to become valid, the user must pay advanced payment the reservation costs or the amount according to the specification arranged with the sales department. Advanced payment can be made by: ONLINE/ credit card, OFFLINE through bank transfer. Apartment is available from 14:00 till 21.00 on arrival day and till 10:00 on departure day. Additional expenses for late cancellations: extra day will be charged. The changing of reservations is possible only in written form.
When you decide to reserve, we will send you reservation number. In email, You will also receive a link to secure site, where you can immediatelly fill all the neccessary credit card data in the form, and finish the reservation proccess. Once all of the data are entered, confirmation will be displayed on your monitor and also sent to you by e-mail. Payment should be made in the amount, and time specified in the email. Immediately upon making the payment the guest is to forward the confirmation to us via email or fax. Having checked the payment, or the authorization of the guest's credit card, we will send the guest all the necessary information, and vaucher via email.
Terms of reservation cancellation
The reservation is valid from the day the guest pay the advance payment and the reservation is held to 24:00 of the arrival day. If the guest does not arrive, or cancel, we will retain the full advance payment.

Conversion statement

All payments will be effected in Croatian currency. The amount your credit card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro into Croatian kuna according to the current exchange rate of the Croatian National bank.
When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site.

Personal data gathering and protection statement

We are committed to provide service of protection of our customer's personal data in a way that we colect only essential basic information about our buyers that are necessary for fulfilling our obligations. We also inform our customers about the way we collect information and regularly give customers an option about how their information will be used, including the possibility to decide whether their name should be indluded or ommited from the lists used for marketing campaigns.
All user information are strictly guarded and are available only to the employees who need those information for completing the job.
All our employees and business partners are responsible for obiding the principles of confidentiality protection.

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